Showing posts with label Attract Your Inner Power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attract Your Inner Power. Show all posts

Learn Four Things That Can Make Your Life More Meaningful

When you spend your life by merely to survive, life can start to seem a little empty and pointless to you

And this can make you live a boring and uninspiring life. And truth be told,  this is exactly how many of us live our life.


We work for eight hours or more a day and then come back home feeling too tired and exhausted to do anything meaningful to change our life for the better by merely sitting down to watch Television, dose off, and waking up the following morning to start all over as we did a day before. WHAT A BORING LIFE TO LIVE!!!.

The same thing repeats itself in your life and the irony part of it all is that you see yourself as living the most enjoyable aspect of life. The most excitement you always look forward to is when will you have a holiday and even once a year is more than enough for you to live a fulfilling life?

Here are four simple changes that can make your life more meaningful. If you really want to live a prosperous life.

Keep On Learning

Constant earning is a great way to give your life more meaning and direction. Ultimately, one of the things that the brain craves most is growth. If it isn’t challenged to learn and grow, then it will shrink and we will become set in our ways. One wise man once said, what you’ll become in the next five years will be determined by the people you mixed up with and the type of book you read. This signifies how important learning is. Take up a book today and learn something new. It will no doubt add more value to your lifestyle. Make it your job to constantly learn new skills and pursuits. That can be related to your career, a hobby, or even a new language!

Improve On Your Relationships

Apart from learning, having a pleasant relationship with your spouse, hubby, friends, co-workers, relatives, and virtually everyone you have one or two things to do together will no doubt add more value and meaning to your life. Relationships are one of the things that we really need to be happy. If you don’t have meaningful relationships, then you’ll have no one to share your experiences, your challenges, your sorrow or happy moments, and your triumphs with.

A truly ‘meaningful’ relationship goes beyond friends of friends that you only ever meet in a group. This is someone that you can have a deep heart-to-heart with and who has a long and storied history with you.

Challenge Yourself To Do New Things

What’s also necessary for life to feel meaningful is a challenge and to some extent, risk.

Have you ever been in a situation that was truly a life and death situation? Or perhaps that put you in a situation where you were close to accomplishing something truly amazing? And you can never forget the moments people are laughing with you as they congratulate you for being a success.

These are the moments when the brain focuses on and engages with the world. These are the moments when we learn and when we realize the worth of what we have. It puts things in perspective and creates stories. Unforgettable stories!!!

Please, Don’t shy away from the things that test your endurance level


Travel, Travel, And Travel

Finally, everyone should seek to have some travels in their lives. This doesn’t mean you have to backpack across the desert – but simply being able to experience new sights and new people is important to keep your mind open and your experiences varied. If you don’t have the budget to go away, then come up with an adventure you can enjoy a little closer to your home. Adventure to new places will definitely open your mind and eyes to something you might have thought can never possible to be possible after all.

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How To Attract Your Inner Power And Infinite Life To Increase Your Productivity Level II

Hi, you are welcome to the second part of this write-up on how to attract your inner power to discover your potential. This writes up however, is meant to shed more light on the concluding part of this discussion to shed more light on how to get reach your inner power and infinite life which will help you increase your productivity level. 


As stated earlier on, you as well as every other man can never be separated from Divine Source. You need to know that in reality, you’re one with your Infinite. 

 The separation which every living soul can feel and experience is only mental in nature and is due to each individual’s blindness and unbelief. Man can never be separated from Spirit, for he is Spirit. He is an integral part of one complete whole. He lives and moves and has his being in God (Universal, Omnipresent Spirit), and God (Spirit) dwells in him.

 The majority of people are unaware of this intimate relationship with the Divine, and, because they are unaware, or because they refuse to believe it, they are, in one sense, separated from the inner life of God. Yet this separation is only in their thoughts and beliefs, and not in reality. Man is not separated and never can be, yet so long as he believes that he is separate and alone, he will be as weak and helpless as though he actually were. 

 As soon as man realizes the truth of his relationship with the Infinite, he passes from weakness to power, from death to life. One moment he is in the desert, afar off, weak, separate, and alone; the next, he realizes that he is nothing less than an ideal creature of God, with all of a man's privileges and powers. He realizes, in a flash, that he is one with his Divine Source, and that he can never be separated. He awakens also to the fact that all the Power of the Infinite is his to draw upon; that he can never really fail, and that he is marching on to victory.

It will thus be seen how great is the power of man's thought. While the thought is not the power of the Spirit, it is the power by which man either connects himself up with the Infinite Power, opening himself to the Divine Inflow, or cuts himself off and separates himself from his Spiritual Source. 

Thus, in a sense, man is what he thinks he is. This assertion brings to the fore the important pronouncement about “The Law of Attraction” which stipulates that whatever man thinks of to be capable of doing or becoming will definitely come to pass. This is a clear indication of the fact that if you think positively about your capability and achievement that’s exactly what will experience in your life and if you think negatively this will also take precedence as you envisioned it to be.

 Therefore, if he thinks he is separate from God and cut off from His Power, then it is as though this were really the case, and he is just as impotent and miserable as though he actually existed apart from God. On the other hand, if he thinks and believes that he is one with the Infinite, he finds that it is gloriously true and that he is really a creature from God almighty. 

 If he believes and thinks that he is a mere material being, then he lives the limited life of a material being and is never able to rise above it. But if, on the contrary, he thinks and believes that he is a spiritual being, then he finds that he possesses all the powers of a spiritual being.

 Again, if he thinks that his work is difficult and that he is not equal to his tasks, he finds that really his tasks are difficult and beyond his powers. Yet on the other hand, if he believes his work is easy, or, at any rate, within his powers, he finds that such is the case and that he can do his work with ease. In this case, I would like to inform you as an individual to think about the positivity of life and the need to see yourself as an achiever, this will assist you to develop the right mindset about being an achiever. 

 And this will assist you to go far in life to be an achiever. Don’t ever for once look down upon yourself and your capability to be an achiever because this can never bring out the best in you.

Remember, the power within is infinite, for, by faith in it, man is directly "coupled up" with the Spiritual Power of the Universe. The Divine Spark within him connects him to the Sacred Flame, thus making him potentially a god in the making.

 A change then must take place within man before he can enter into his Divine inheritance. He must learn to think after the Spirit, i.e, as a spiritual being, instead of after the flesh, i.e., as a material creature. Like the prodigal son, he must "come to himself," and leave the husks and the swine in the far country, returning to his Father's house, where there is bread (of life) enough and to spare.


If you take the core aspect of this discussion seriously and work towards how to incorporate it into your life, sooner than later, you stand to gain total control of both your physical and spiritual being. Connect with your Divine Source to discover your potentials as much as you possess them, and nothing will stop you from getting to your destination, among the successful people this world has to produce.

 Be an achiever and goal-getter, through a better understanding of your inner power and the Spiritual Power of the Universe.

 Thank you.


How To Attract Your Inner Power And Infinite Life To Increase Your Productivity Level

Men generally are known to possess an illimitable Power, though some people are not aware of this. This Power is of the Spirit, therefore, it is unconquerable. This power is not of ordinary life, finite will, or the human mind. 

It transcends these, because, being spiritual, it is of a higher order than either physical or mental one. 


This Power lies dormant and hidden within every human being and its usefulness might not even be known until a conscious effort is applied sufficiently in a manner that will evolve and unfold the best way in which this power can be accessed and processed for utmost productivity.

 The powers of the subconscious mind and how to increase your productivity level using your mind will be discussed later, however, our discussion today will focus on how you can discover power inherent in spirit and how to ensure tremendous improvement in your life achievement as you discover your power. 

 The Powers of the Spirit are far greater and finer than those of the subconscious mind. Thought is a spiritual power of tremendous potency, but this is not the power of which we speak. By thought, man can either raise himself up, as well as connect himself with the "Power House" of the Universe, or cut himself off entirely from the Divine Inflow. 

 His thought is his greatest weapon, because, by it, he can either draw on the Infinite or sever himself (in consciousness, but not in reality) from his Divine Source.

 Through the Divine Spark within you, which is really your real Self, you are bound to be connected with the Infinite. Doing this will make Divine Life and Power yours because this will allow you to realize that this power is yours to utilize and if used well as expected, there is the tendency to reach your goal without being disappointed. 

 The best thing you can do to improve your life’s achievement is not to be ignorant of oneness with your Divine Source of all life. This is known to be capable of appropriating the power that is yours. If you can find yourself entering into this inner knowledge, you’ll find yourself the possessor of infinite power and unlimited resources.

 This Power is God's, but yet belongs to you to utilize, but if this power is not revealed to you until you’re fit to be entrusted with it you may not know how best to use it for maximum satisfaction to achieve your aim in life. 

 Remember, it is only when you realize your oneness with your Divine Source that you become filled with this power and this will equally assist you to develop the right mentality about this power and what you stand to gain as you make judicious use of your inner power.

Many teachers and initiates lament the fact that certain secrets are being spread and broadcasted today. And, these secrets are those that were closely guarded in the past. These people base their fear on the premise that some un-illumined and un-evolved people may make destructive use of these spiritual powers.

 This may be said to be improbable to some extent. This is because it is true that some known strong personalities, who were known to have a great belief in their own power to achieve and succeed, have drawn unconsciously on their hidden powers, and thus through this can raise themselves high and above their fellows who were yet to discover their inner power as well as what they can achieve if these powers are used to the best of their knowledge. 

 The use, however, that they can make of spiritual power for base purposes is limited and is not to be feared. There are others, of course, who are misusing their powers. These are black magicians, and while they may do a certain amount of harm, they become reduced, ultimately, to beggary and impotence. Others spend the whole of their spare time searching for knowledge of this very subject. They read every occult book they can lay their hands on, but they never find that for which they seek. There are spiritual powers and influences that withhold the eyes of the seekers from seeing until they are ready for the revelation. 

 When man, in his search for Truth, has given up all selfish striving after unworthy things, and has ceased to use his self-will in conflict with the greater Will of the Whole, he is ready for the revelation of his oneness with the Infinite. 

 Yielding implicitly to the Will of the Whole may seem, to the un-illumined, an act of weakness, yet it is the entrance to a life of almost boundless power.

 The best thing you can do to better your lot is to find a way to discern how to locate your inner powers as well as the right way to use them judiciously for result oriented problem-solving approach. (To be continued)


You can get more of this information to discover yourself, your ability, your potential, and how to make the best use of all that you possess as you visit this blog as often as possible. I am now more than ready to give you the ideal information on how to be the best of what you can be in your chosen field and career.


Keep reading and find your way to SUCCESS!!!


Thank you.


Increase Your Chance Of Survival To Improve Your Personality And Personal Achievement

Increase Your Chance Of Survival To Improve Your Personality And Personal Achievement

Do you want to discover your personality, which on the other hand can assist you to live the life you have been craven for? Then read on, as you get more information on how to achieve greatness for successful and eventful living.

Everybody has a power lying hidden in him, which if used appropriately can help him rise to higher and better things. There is in you a greater Self that transcends the finite self of the sense-man, even as the mountain towers above the plain. 

This write-up was written in order to help you bring your inward powers of mind and spirit into expression, wisely and in harmony with universal law; to build up character, and to find within you that wondrous Self, which is your real self, and which, when found will reveal to you the potentials you possess without being aware of and if well utilized will propel you to greater heights.

There is no way you can avoid the discipline of life. And you should know that there is no means by which fate can be "tricked," nor a cunning device by which the great cosmic plan can be evaded. 

Having a better understanding of these facts will let you know that each life must meet its own troubles and difficulties: each soul must pass through its deep waters, and every heart must encounter sorrow and grief. 

But whatever situations you find yourself in, you should also know that you need to be overwhelmed by the great conflicts of life, because if you have the opportunity to learn the great secret of your identity and capability with the Universal life and Power, you will undoubtedly dwell in an impregnable city, built upon and into the Rock of Truth, against which the storms of life can only beat in vain.

This write-up is not written to provide you with any vain promises of an easy life—because, if this were possible, it would be the greatest of all disasters--but rather, endeavors to show you how to become so strong that life looks almost easy by comparison (the life or fate does not change or become easier, but the individual alters and becomes stronger), yet, it does show you how to avoid making this life more difficult than it needs to be.

I would also like to inform you that most people's lives would be less filled with trouble, sorrow, and suffering if they took life in the right spirit and acted in harmony with Universal Law. 

Doing this will serve as an eye opener to you and through this, you’ll be able to know what stands in your way to achieving your dream and how to go about solving the problems that might seem insurmountable but will vanish forever if appropriate actions are taken as at when due.

This write-up and some that will be coming after it will no doubt help you  to come into harmony with life's law and purpose and thus avoid much needless suffering: to find the Greater Self within, which discovery brings with it a realization of absolute security which will help you bring into expression and wisely use of your  inner spiritual and mental forces and thus enter a life of overcoming and almost boundless power.

Keep reading and find solutions to personal limitation barriers you surround yourself with and sooner than expected, you’ll become an achiever.

Thank you.

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