6 Different Ways To Achieve Success in Your Career

6 Different Ways To Achieve Success in Your Career 

There are quite several ways that success can be achieved in your career. For you to know what exactly you can do to achieve success you need to read this article to have a better understanding of how to excel in your chosen career. What do employers look for in potential employees? 

That question was posted recently on a career discussion forum online. Naturally, for each different position, the particular answers to that question would be different. However, there are some common skills that employers look for in all employees, whether the employee happens to be a network engineer or a fry cook. These skills are also called "In-Demand Skills for Success" and this shows how important the skills are.

The first thing you have to do is to improve your life on some "BASIC SKILLS" such as reading, writing, and arithmetic! Believe it or not, a good portion of high school graduates (and some college graduates as well) do not read at a high-grade level and cannot do multiplication in their heads. Employers are seeking employees who can read well, write coherently, and at the same time calculate mathematics in a business environment (fractions, percentages, etc.)without much problem. Furthermore, you need to have modern basic skills of keyboarding, basic computer knowledge, and the ability to use most computerized tools (e.g. fax machine, basic word processing program, etc.) needed for employment success.

Secondly, you need to have a better understanding of Interpersonal Skills. you should know that a potential employee must be able to speak well? Can you attend to your customer's request in a positive and informative manner? Can you provide good customer service if you're called to step in for any ailing staff? While not everyone has an outgoing sales personality, successful employees must equally communicate in a non-confrontational, positive manner with their coworkers, team members, subordinates, management, and customers. Being able to work well with others is a vital skill for success in all jobs.

You should also be able to stand on your own to ensure "Job Attainment". Job search is a process that requires a great deal of dedication and attention to be conducted successfully. It follows the old principle that many veteran programmers refer to as GIGO ‚ Garbage In, Garbage Out. If you put lousy effort in, you will receive lousy results. Employers are seeking employees who know how to present themselves positively and who display enthusiasm and knowledge about the companies they approach. Not only do candidates get evaluated on their skills and experience, but also on how they are approaching the job search. Enthusiastic candidates with fewer skills have a better chance of getting the job than dull candidates with better skills.

The ability to succeed where others are fallen is another important skill you have to possess if you're to be successful in your chosen career. This is known as "Job Survival". Now there's a hot topic in this period of layoffs. Who gets laid off and who doesn't is often a matter of numbers, but it is also often a matter of performance.

Employees who have consistently demonstrated their worth, taken initiative, and made themselves valuable asset to the company have lower incidences of being downsized than employees who put forth mediocre or average effort in their jobs. Surviving within a company through layoffs or moving up the career ladder is a success skill that is learned and consciously cultivated among successful professionals.

Taking part in a Professional Development program/training is another favor you can do to yourself to keep your head above the water in your chosen career.  As all high-tech and engineering pros know‚ it's learning or burn in today's work environment. Attaining new skills, applying new concepts, and updating established skills is an absolute necessity to succeed in today's workforce. The successful individual is constantly attending seminars, taking classes, attaining training on new products or releases, and otherwise learning new skills that will keep them marketable in their careers. Successful people are lifelong learners. Employers are looking for people who have the training necessary to fulfill their needs.

Lastly, you have to engage in Career Development. Career Development differs from Professional Development. Professional Development is learning while Career Development is a planning and goal-setting process. Successful individuals design a career plan with written goals for the short term and long term. They lay out the steps needed to move their careers from Point A to Point B within Time Frame C and plan how they are going to achieve those steps. 

Successful people have someone to whom they are accountable, for their progress and who will monitor their success in achieving their goals. Employers are seeking individuals who wish to commit to the progress of their company for a long period. Good career progression is a high selling point of candidates to prospective employers.

How do you measure up? Do you have the 6 In-Demand Skills for Success? Feel like you need some help?

Send in your comment or any other information you would like to share with me. Expecting to read from you soon. please help me send your friends to this blog for regular updates on how to improve their lives. 
Thank you

Do you want to know more about how to be successful in your career? Let me introduce you to an ebook written by a professional Career Consultant Steve Austin. The title of his book is 

Career Success With Ease: What You Need To Know To Achieve Success In Your Career Adventure

How To Douse The Tension of Conflicts in the workplace

How To Douse The Tension of Conflicts in the Workplace

How to douse the tension created by the conflicts in the workplace is very important for every individual that wants to scale through office politics without adding more stress to their lives. Some people do encounter not the success they dreamed of in their life career, but the frustration of having their “dream bubble” burst right before their own very eyes. 

These aspiring professionals were stopped dead in their career tracks not because of some mistakes but because of harassment in the workplace.   Their “fall from corporate grace” was due to a combination of envy, jealousy, and a fair amount of backtalk from their detractors.

You may be faced with the challenges of constant changes in leadership and movement personnel in your department or division.  Even all efforts put across to suggest office innovations and other alternatives to make work efficient can still become the “butt” of jokes to you.  

Having a better understanding of your boss can equally make the matter worse in some cases. Having a good recommendation for any good work done, within the hearing range of the older employees as well as the new ones can as well make your detractors try even harder to discredit you. It is a well-proven fact that envy really poisons the working atmosphere. 

You may even become a victim of nasty jokes and false rumors, thereby turning you into the office scapegoat.  The question then is: 

What exactly have you done to deserve such treatment? 

Oh! Because you are confident and brilliant and a genius in your field to some extent. However, your only perceived weakness is the fact that you’re the youngest person in the department. YOU ARE INDEED IN WHAT IS CALLED THE “BOILER’S ROOM”. You may try as much as possible to know why these older colleagues of yours are somewhat nasty and the intimidation is becoming more frequent. My advice to you is that you shouldn’t give it a damn, because if you weigh yourself down with taunting and sarcasm, this will eventually make you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.  
Believe that you are only one among thousands of people who experience harassment and other forms of bullying in the workplace.  Anyone can be a target. Harassment often begins with unresolved conflicts between workmates that could even escalate into problems that would eventually require the attention of management.

Harassment at work is one of the most distracting situations that any worker or professional can face. Work, needless to say, is important not only as a means to have a livelihood. It is also crucial to one's ego and craving for achievement. 

Getting along with everybody is not the solution. It doesn't mean you have to please people and compromise your principles. Being warm and sincere can melt the cold atmosphere.  But it is important to set standards for yourself. Treat others with respect and dignity, and most likely, you would be treated in the same manner. Appearances also matter, following a dress code or adopting sensible attire gives a good impression. 

Other ways to maintain your good professional standing and mutually beneficial relations with co-workers include:

  •  Be dependable and trustworthy.
  • Do not be oversensitive. Not all criticisms should be considered harassment. Try not to take anything said to you with much seriousness. Regard such comment or complaint as non-consequential.
  • Seek support from higher management when the pressure is too great and if you already feel resentment or despair.

Although there is no 100% guarantee that workplace harassment can be stopped, you must still take the initiative to stop the maltreatment.  If the bullying cannot be stopped by management, maybe it is time to consider the next option: switch jobs or find another job.

Remember, life is too short to stay in a job that causes you misery. Nor is it the end of the world if you leave a company where you are no longer happy.

Do you want to know more about how to be successful in your career? Let me introduce you to an ebook written by a professional Career Consultant Steve Austin. The title of his book is 

Career Success With Ease: What You Need To Know To Achieve Success In Your Career Adventure

Where Are You in Your Career Adventure Path?

Where Are You in Your Career Adventure Path? 

Are you in a rut or in a groove in your career adventure path? Rut and groove are both furrows. But a rut is boring, uninteresting, and can be depressing. Whereas being in the groove is good fun and energizing. And being in the groove is the act of getting the best out of yourself.

Then I would like to ask you a few questions about your career and I believe if you’re able to give me satisfactory answers, then you’re good to go in your career adventure.

Where are you at the moment?

In a Rut or a Groove?
A rut is caused by having your foot firmly on the accelerator. Whereby you’re pressing it down for all you are worth but you’re not going anywhere. Absolutely nowhere!
You are, most probably, covering all the people standing behind you with earth, grass, rubbish, waste, etc, but you’re not moving. In fact, you’re getting deeper and deeper in trouble until finally, you are up to the axle and not going anywhere. So stuck that you will need a spade, a fork, a tow truck, or anything to get you going again.

How did you get there?
Doing the same thing day after day. Following the same routine over and over again. Following those wonderful phrases in your head;
It was good enough for …. It will be good enough for me
It worked. It will work for me.
You always did it this way…………..

Before you criticize me for talking negatively about the tradition, I am in no way knocking or mocking the tradition. Tradition has a place but not at the expense of happiness and excitement in our lives.
In our book, if it makes you unhappy, bored, and pessimistic why are you still doing it? Then, the question is:
How would you get out of it?


Change your habits.
It’s your habits that got you into the rut and it’s your habits that will get you out.

You have to accept that you are in a rut.
You have to admit that you have been taking the easy option for a long time.
You have to accept that at a certain point in time, you made a mistake.
You have to accept that time and money are not going to get you out of this mess.  

However, you need to know that:

You have to change!
You must initiate the action. No one else. Just YOU. No one can get you out of a rut only you.


Sit down for a moment. Think.
•    What’s the real problem?
•    What’s behind your going deeper and deeper into a rut?
•    What’s the fear here?
•    What are you trying to avoid? AND
DON’T rush it. Stay with it.
Do whatever you need to do to bottom it and find the way forward.

Gradually write down the way out. Don’t take the first answer. Make an effort to write down 30 ideas of the way out. Gradually you will become more and more creative. Then one idea will stick. It will come equipped with fairy lights, a spotlight, and if you are really lucky-WOW! a full orchestra.

That’s the way forward.
Now you have a way forward that feels comfortable. Now you are moving into the groove. You feel happy, energized, and focused. You are in the flow. The passion is aroused. Everything is in synch. Everything you do works.
You are off.
Go on try.
You owe it to yourself.
Good Luck
Please don't leave this page without saying something. Comment on this and let me know how to respond to this message I passed across to you. Hear from you soon. Thank you

You can also get some tips from Graham and Julie as well at www.desktop-meditation.com

If you want to know more about how to take your career to the next level, I will advise that you try to lay your hands on the ebook written by Steve Austin on Kindle ebook, the ebook also has a paperback and hardcover copy to have a physical copy of the book. The title of the book is 

Career Success With Ease: What You Need To Know To Achieve Success In Your Career Adventure

How To Deal With Failure In College

How To Deal With Failure In College

Dealing with failures in your academic life is a must for everyone that work towards achieving the purpose and aims of going to college. College means a lot to so many people that want to achieve greatness, success and at the same time make their dreams of being successful in life come to fruition.  
Most careers today will require a college education of some kinds.  However this is not going to be an easy effort and many may end up failing at college. It is going to be important to keep your mind ready and willing to make all your dreams come true.

Dealing with a failure when it comes to college is not going to be easy. We all want to get the best grades and to be a great success. Being proud of ourselves and feeling good about all of our accomplishments is something that we should be willing to work at.  However, sometimes it is not as easy as we think and we can lose sight of what is most important if we don’t softly with the way we respond to everything going on in your life. 

There are quite a number of things you need to do to meet up with the challenges that come your way. Among which are:
  •  Try to associate yourself with self-motivated people in your class. Joining them will open your eyes to what they are doing that is keeping them focused in their lives.
  • You can equally listen to motivational speakers that provide professional information on how to scale through the turbulent water of life.
  • Join students’ international organization like rotary club, Jaycees and other notable organizations that will add more to your personal and academic achievement

When we find that we have problems in college we have to do the right thing and figure out a way to fix it. We need to stay focused on our goals and keep thinking about what is most important.  Being a great success and able to pass our courses is something that we all want to do.  Putting great efforts in our goals is something that we can be proud of and excited about as well.

There are going to be times when we all fail at something. The one thing that we can do is trying our best and see what happens.  When we want to be someone that feels good about what we do there are many ways to make this work.  Figure out a plan and how you are going to go about it.  After you know what you need to do you will find it much easier to make your college years a better and more successful time.

Follow your dreams of being successful and make thing work out for you.  If you are failing a course you need to do whatever is necessary to pass. Get a tutor or find someone to help you with your work.  Getting good grades and passing college courses will be something that gives you a great sense of pride in yourself and others will feel the same way too.

Never give up. Do not let failure be part of your life. Be determined and get ahead any way that you can. Goals are something that can make you feel good about who you are and what you do.  When you put these goals out in front of you it is going to be much easier to find success and be a happier and more productive part of life. 

Dreaming big is something that we all should do.  Goals are a great part of our life.  Having the right goals will help us keep failure from happening and we will be more able to make things work out for us in the end.  Working hard and being who you want to be can make you feel good about who you are.  Never let anyone tell you that you are not good enough and that you do not deserve something that you have worked hard at. 

If you are serious about college you are going to need to work hard and be productive.  Figure out what goals you have set and what the next step in making it all happen for you is. 

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