Four Key-Points To Work And Life Balance

Four Key-Points To Work And Life Balance

Work and life balance is one of the important facets that every individual should find a way of making it possible for purposeful and eventful living. The fact still remains that work in general is never done - which is a good thing really, because if there is no more work to be done, there is no more progress to be made. But constant work without play makes for a very dull existence. The key to purposeful living is balance. 

This in most cases is a difficult thing to achieve for so many people, because most sojourn on the surface of the earth while either going on 100 miles an hour, or being stalled completely. And, thereby don't even know when and how to make a balance between their work, life and how to effectively channel their life to the right path which will make them life a fulfilling life.

I do believe that hard work is good for us. However, if we don't also include periods of rest, quiet contemplation and recreation, what are we working so hard for? We must also make time to enjoy the fruits of our labour. The question to be asked then is: How do we create balance in our lives? I believe there are four key areas of our lives that require (yes, require!) daily attention. By the way, they are listed in order of importance.

1. Your Disposition to God/Spirituality: The first thing to do is to take time to focus yourself mainly and commune with God (whatever your interpretation of God may be). This is very crucial to your existence. Prayer, meditation and quiet contemplation are so important to our overall health. It doesn't matter what religion you practice, it matters only that you make time to honour your spiritual self and your connection to the Divine, in every single day. First thing in the morning is best for most people, since it can help you adopt a positive mindset for your day. Or you may prefer the late evening hour before bedtime, to help you de-stress from your day. You don't have to spend hours on this, 30 to 60 minutes is plenty.

2. Your Disposition to Yourself: Each and everyone of us needs time every day to work on our physical and emotional /mental wellbeing. This is time we can use for exercise, journaling and self-exploration, and hobbies. Again, it doesn't have to be massive amounts of time, but at least some time for exercise and self-care is necessary. Women especially are good at taking care of everyone else and neglecting themselves. Don't do that! You You cannot fully give to someone else when you are empty yourself. Make yourself a priority, and make time to care properly for yourself, physically and emotionally. By so doing, you will be a much happier person and be able to give that much more to those you love. DON’T NEGLECT YOURSELF!!!

 3. Your Disposition To Your Spouse/Family - This is actually two categories, but they do tend to blend together. Time together as a family is so important, and it is something that is sadly beginning to happen less and less in our hurried society. Here are some ways to help that. Make it a priority to have dinner together every single night. No distractions or television blaring in the background. Have a "family day" or "family night" where you spend one evening or perhaps one weekend day together doing something fun as a family - and this doesn't include camping out around the television. Go to the park and have a picnic, visit garage sales, or during the winter you can build a snowman or go sledding or ice skating. 

Time spent together having fun is the most important thing you can do to yourself and other people around you to show that you really care for them. This goes for you and your spouse also. Have a weekly "date night" where the two of you spend time alone together, without the kids, and without distraction. Relationships require maintenance to keep them strong. Make it romantic and rekindle the flame that once brought you together. Don’t forget that your spouse and family needs your attention and the funny aspect of it is that You Can Never Buy It From Them. YOUR PRESENCE MATTERS MOST TO THEM! GIVE THEM THEIR RIGHT!!!! 

 4. Your Disposition To Your Work/Business: You may be surprised that this is the last aspect of work and life balance in every individual’s daily obligation! Most people today put work first and forget the rest, but doing so creates a sense of constant duty and drudgery. Work is important, but it's not the most important thing in life. If you make the other three categories your first priorities, your time spent working will be much more productive and fun. You won't feel so burned out and stressed out, and you will accomplish a lot more than you would otherwise. But if you focus on your work alone neglecting the first three, sooner or later whether you like it or not, boredom will set in and you wouldn’t be able to meet up with all the challenges that come your way and if care is not taken, DON’T SAY I TELL YOU! Failure, depression and stress may set in to constitute “cog in the wheel of progress in your work life!

 One of the most important things we can do to become more balanced in our lives is master the art of Mindfulness. It means being fully present in every moment, giving our full attention to every task. 

This can be difficult for many of us, because as we are performing one task, our mind is already moving ahead to the next task, and the one after that. This means that at any given time, we are performing multiple tasks at the same time. One we are performing with our hands, and the others in our mind. What a way to feel exhausted and overwhelmed.

Try focusing on only one task at a time, and I think you'll be surprised at how much more you can get done, and with less fatigue at the end of the day. It takes practice though. At first you may need to consistently bring your attention back to the task at hand. Your mind may want to keep wandering, as it is used to doing. That's okay, simply bring it gently back to what you are doing right now, and continue on. With practice, you will be able to master this and feel much more focused and calm throughout your days.

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How To Understand The Basic Characteristics of your Interviewer

How To Understand The Basic Characteristics of your Interviewer

Every individual has a specific situation bothering him/her in every individual life and your interviewers cannot be left out of this experience. 

However, If you can sense an interviewer's style and build rapport with them, you’ll have confidence in providing specific information that will give you an edge over your interviewers.

Listed below are the characteristics you should take note of in your interviewers:

1.     Inattentive: There is a time that the interviewer isn’t mentally present, maybe he/she is thinking of something more important or something happened before your interview that really bothered his/her mind. It’s impossible to impress this kind of interviewer that is distracted by something. Such an individual can equally purposely try to distract your attention to make you fail miserably. It’s very important for you to keep a good impression of yourself by smiling and don’t panic. At times a scenario of an impending crisis may be created to test your attitude or how you’re going tackle such a situation in your place of work. You may equally give your best approach and offer him/her to reschedule. But make sure to give a good account of yourself address to send him/her the right message and be prepared to attend the interview if rescheduled.

2.     Friendly: This is the type of interviewer that gives jokes, smiles, and tells you to take it easy on yourself. But he/she aims for you to put in a relaxed mind in such a way that you will then unconsciously expose too much information (ones that can be detrimental to your career) about yourself. You should be kind, and friendly but at the same always remember that you shouldn’t also get carried away doing this. Stick with your goal. Remember you’re not part of them yet. You should be wary of putting yourself in a tight corner where you wouldn’t be able to scale through the interview stage while pursuing your career.

3.     Interrogator: This is a typical type of interviewer that seems not to show any emotion and inflicts tension on the applicants. The best thing you can do is stay calm, focus, and show respect and confidence. This kind of interviewer observes how you can deal with this kind of scenario. And remember that most interrogator types of interviewers often became your best advocate throughout your interview process or even into the job. These types of interviewers are always hell-bent on making sure that the company employs the best candidates for the vacant position, though they may prove too strict and rigid once you put in your best, and believe that you can make it through.

4.     Laser Beam: This type of interviewer only focuses on one topic. Like discussing quotas, this style is for line managers. When you find yourself in this type of interview, you should make it a point of duty to fulfill his/her expectations of you. Satisfy his/her judgment and move on. Don’t derail or fidgety while responding to any question(s) being asked, because those questions are not meant to make sure that you fail it is just a clear indication that they are employing the best candidates for the job. See it in that direction and stay focused.

5.     Shotgun: This is the type that wants to discuss anything. The questions are all over the place, you even don’t have a vacant time because he/she is full of questions. This is where your anxious presentation really pays off because you can involve your strengths in many distinct exposures to the job. Your experience can give you an edge in this type of interview, but yet you must be very careful in answering not to derail while responding to questions asked.

6.     Silver Bullet: Believes there's one magic question to ask -- and one magic response that determines whether you're right for the job. The Silver Bullet asks a few hasty questions about your skills. Then ask “off-the-wall” questions, which are questions you didn’t even expect. Even though these questions don’t have a wrong answer he/she decides if it’s yes or no. Simply answer every question and don’t worry about your answers too much.

While preparing for an interview, you must try as much as possible to alter your approach to different situations you may find yourself in life and in which you may equally experience with your Interviewers: You should prepare yourself to step into a situation of power when you identify the interviewer's style and adjust your approach accordingly. As you prepare for the interview, ask yourself, "How might my answers be different for different interview styles?" 

With a Laser Beam, for example, you might offer him a choice when you begin answering a question ("Would you like to talk about this aspect of the job or that one?"). An achievement story for a friendly Interviewer might focus more on your teamwork skills, and the same story for an Interrogator Interviewer, because you might begin by stating the results of your individual work. The more you show your emotional knowledge by understanding the interviewer's objective for that interview, the more likely he'll be able to listen to you.

The Important Reasons why You Need To Search Online For Your Next Job

The Important Reasons why You Need To Search Online For Your Next Job

When the trends and situations of the global economy is put into consideration especially as it relates to different companies, one would know even before being told that the issue of job search can be said to be hard and sometimes frustrating. 

This is as a result of the rate at which some companies are laying off their staff, either to stay afloat of troubling water to prevent not going into extinction or because of the need to break even in their production or overhead cost. 

This makes it imperative and very important for you if you are considering changing your job that you should consider using an online job search. This will help you expand your horizons and your search for your next job can become worldwide and not restricted to any one area.

 Listed below are the important points to note for a successful online job search:

1. If you are keen in continuing in your present line of work with say a better location or opportunities. Then explore the websites of companies similar to yours. Check out their human resources pages or career links. Employer web sites are often listed at sites like Academic360, as well as a directory of employment opportunities.

2. You Should undertake a search engine search. Ask any major search engine like Google,, Yahoo, Msn! and others to help you locate possible employers or job sites that specialize in your field of work.

3. Explore the web sites of professional associations. Being a member of an association is a great way to network with peers and many a times, this may afford you the opportunity of being linked with a successful networking that can land you your next job.

4. You can register at an online employment site like or and reap the many benefits accrue to the use of these sites. They will send possible opportunities to your e-mail, blast your resume to several recruitment personnel all over the world, offer you a professional evaluation of your resume, and you will be able to browse through all the postings on their site and apply to vacancies that interest you. This will in no small measure assist you in getting in contact with the right companies and establishments that are in need of your service.

5. By opting for an online search you can be sure your application is not lost in the post or courier. When you click apply, the resume immediately goes to the email box of a possible employer. And, the job site will give you a confirmation message of your application.

6. The convenience of online means you can store your resume as well as several versions of a covering letter for use. The site will also maintain a record of applications made by you with details. This means that you will never make the mistake of applying for the same job twice.

7. Applying online means you curtail costs of postage, courier, and faxes. 

Looking online for your next job means you can explore several possibilities. By surfing through several job sites you can even consider changing your line of work, moving to a new country with several new opportunities, or even starting your own enterprise. Often the World Wide Web has brought together several professionals from different fields in search of new opportunity and they have begun a business of their own quite successfully.

Another positive aspect of the web is that it allows you to research comprehensively on your new employer and the in-depth information you gather on the company will help you during the interviews.

You can take expert advice in writing out your resume and ensure that it has the right keywords that will place it ahead of zillion others, that the resume highlights your strengths and presents it in a comprehensive way with your experience. 

Based on the points listed above, it is an undeniable fact that internet has immensely helped the mankind, because it has changed the way people look for new jobs and job search has taken giant strides.

Important Tips On How To Get The Job You Want

Important Tips On How To Get The Job You Want

Getting a job nowadays is becoming very difficult. It’s beyond preparing a well-writing resume, applying for a job, and forever hoping to get hired just like that. Well, 

I have to tell you that, it’s time to stop hoping and start really getting the job you want. Listed below are some of what you need to do to get past job searching and start working.

Carry out your own Self Analysis

To start job searching you must, first of all, analyze yourself on what you want to be. You analyze yourself on your interest, personality, strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes. 

You can be a Bum, an Entrepreneur, a Young Professional, or a Student Seeking Higher Studies. If you choose to be a Bum, Entrepreneur, or Student then you should stop reading this article and continue to pursue the career path that you chose. However, if you choose to become a Young Professional continue reading because all the information you need to get hired is in this article.

Prepare yourself adequately for the job
Why do we need to prepare before job searching? Because Companies/Employers are very selective and among the numerous number of applicants they have they will choose the most deserving and who will make their company more productive. They are not looking to teach you, they are looking to get instant results from you. The other reason is competition, if you had experience in working you may have a distinct advantage but nevertheless it is still the Companies/Employers that will have the decision when hiring an applicant.

Get information on how to Look For a Company
Where do we look for a company that is hiring? A lot of companies post their job vacancy in, for example, newspaper ads, radio, TV, job fair, employment agencies, Internet, and if your University has College Placement Office they can provide you a job vacancy listing also. Another way of looking for a company is through Networking, when looking for a company you must always be resourceful; ask the people you know that is working for a company if they have an opening. When you find a company then you must prepare for the next step.

Prepare your resume adequately
Books, magazines, and the internet are examples of the resources you can get on how to make a presentable resume but the only point is to be true to yourself in what you will write. Don’t put on your resume that you know you wouldn’t be able to defend. State clearly all the necessary content of a good resume stating your name, academic qualification, achievements, and other accomplishments as well as other necessary information. 

Cover Letter
Just like in making a resume, there are a lot of resources on how to make a cover letter. Before you make a letter make sure that you know where to send the cover letter that you will make. It should be either on the Human Resource Supervisor, the Employer, Personnel Resource Manager.

If the Company/Employer called you for an interview, you must also prepare for it. Again, why do you need to prepare for an interview? As I have written earlier companies are very selective. So why do we need to prepare? You need to prepare well for the interview to be able to ace the interview and get the job without much problem.

Check Company
Why do we need to check the company? If you were asked by the interviewer what do you know about the company? What do you think your answer will be? It is much better if you know the history of the company as well as the product or services that they offer to their clients. You don’t exactly need to know all the information about the company, just a bit of knowledge about them is well enough.  You can get this through the company’s website, bulletins, notice board (if you have access to it), or by contacting any member of staff for the company.  You can work on any information given to update yourself about the company. This can be of great importance to you during the interview. 

What is the Job About?
You don’t apply for a job you don’t know anything about the job. It is foolishness on your part to apply for it. Before applying for the job position make sure you qualify for the requirements the company is asking for.

During the interview, the interviewer may it be, the Human Resource Supervisor, or the Employer will not just look at your credentials in your resume but also your personality as well. You must show the interviewer maturity, the right attitude, and a presentable appearance. It is important to make yourself presentable because you are offering your services to them and if they see you not well dressed they may think that you take their company for granted.

If you comply with what the company needs and they believe that you will be an asset to them in terms of productivity of their company. Automatically you will get hired and the very next day you can see yourself working in the company.

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  The decision to choose a career path in most cases can be very daunting and tasking to the extent that if due diligence is not taken it ma...