Do You Know If You Are On The Right Seat While Pursuing Your Career ?

Do You Know If You Are On The Right Path As You Are Pursuing Your Career?

We all have a chair that designates a position in our career. If you are just starting out, or you have been on for quite some time now, you will certainly be placed in a position to handle your organization.   

For most of us occupying a certain position, you need to understand that the responsibilities, the growth prospects, and many such factors can be used to judge or decide if you are happy with the seat you are occupying. Sometimes, we may be unaware that another seat may send us much higher in the hierarchy and satisfaction level. 

Sometimes we are frustrated with our job for no easily identifiable reason. There are many such factors that determine if we are in the right seat or not. Let us examine some of them.

What level of Involvement do you put across?
How involved are you with what you do? Are we so engrossed with our job, that we have no time to think of anything else? Or we are so less connected with our job that having it or not makes no difference to us? Albert Einstein, the great scientist was so involved with his job of thinking and finding solutions to mysteries of physics and the cosmos that he had no time left for anything else. His involvement was total, what about you?. Do you have such an involvement?

Do you enjoy what you are doing?
Is there any sign of fulfillment for you in your career? Are you proud of what you are doing? Let alone giving freedom to move closer to you to share your experience and achievements. You need to know that if you are dissatisfied with what you are doing for any reason, you will never get joy. However, if you get joy then most of the things you will be doing will go in the right direction. So think if you are getting joy in your job?

Are you respected?
If you are working with the right people and doing the right job, you will always get the respect of your colleagues. If respect is missing, please take that as a red signal telling you that something might be amiss. Being respected is a clear indication that you are being valued for the work you’re doing for your organization. Adding value to other people’s lives can bring quite considerable respect to your personality. You must also treat people with respect if you are to receive the same treatment from them.

Do you try to improve your skills and knowledge?

Do you find your skills and aptitude match the job requirements? You might be made for greater things in life. Please get your skills assessed and find out if you are wasting time with a low-skilled job when you should have been working with something requiring great skills and abilities. 

If you observe that the skills you have presented are not in line with where you aspire to be career-wise, try to improve by acquiring more skills and knowledge. 
This is the only yardstick that can be used to decide your achievement if it is positive or negative. The process of acquiring more skills and knowledge cannot be toiled with because the level of your education will undoubtedly dictate your position on the success ladder.

There are other factors such as a vision for the job, future growth potential, learning opportunities, and such other factors that decide if you are in the right seat. The right person for the right job. You can equally ask yourself - are you the right person for your job and more importantly, is the job right for you?

I have given some pointers for thought. Ultimately, it is your life goals and values that will always decide if the job fits you. That can be done only by you. What is most important is that you review your job accomplishments and your satisfaction level at frequent intervals and bring changes to create a more meaningful life. So find out today if you are in the right seat in your career.

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