How To Discover Your Passion For Successful Career Adventure

How To Discover Your Passion For a Successful Career Adventure

Having a better understanding of what your passion, interest, likes, dislikes, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses are, is the right step in the right direction for an eventful career adventure. Then, if I may ask you, what are you passionate about? I didn’t ask if you are passionate. 

But what are you passionate about? What stirs your emotions? What is it you can’t stop talking about whenever someone asks: “What are you passionate about?”  What’s the fire in your belly? What really turns you on? What do you love doing most?

What is it that you love doing so much that you forget time? You forget others. You are so focused that you don’t hear anything. What is it that gets your creative juices going? What is it that you love more than anything else?

Some people are known to be passionate about books. They love reading them. And hence, those books are all placed in their respective homes on the shelves. Each of the books has a neighbor. These people fondle them and care for them. Place bookmarks in them and never fold the corner of their pages.

People like Florence Nightingale, Michael Jordan, and a host of other notable people have used their passion to benefit the world at large to the extent that even after they have stopped what they are passionate about people should not forget their contribution to mankind generally.  What about you? What is the deep-down passion that lights your life up? What is it that you love doing and being beyond all else?

Go on, you can tell yourself. There is no need to tell others. Just have a go and tell yourself what your passions are and discern what you can gain from doing such. What is that love that stirs you up - that love that others may not be interested in but is so important to you. What is it that makes you forget time? What is it that you love doing? We all have it. We all have at least one thing that we are passionate about. What’s yours?

The bottom line is; passion is motivating. Passion is more motivating than money.
Passion energizes and transforms you. When you are passionate about something then you enter that ‘flow’ state where time stands still. You are so focused. And, you are really in tune with yourself to get things done to the best of your knowledge.

Go on and try it. And GET IT DONE!!!
I wish you Good Luck.
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